How often does it happen ? You have a really good idea for your business...its going to a game changer... its going to make you loads of money and then your phone rings or the door goes and next thing POOF !! the idea has gone cant remember what it was or even what it was called.
I found it was worth writing it down somewhere, often of a scrap of paper or my office note pad where again it got lost in all the other notes and scribbles.
So now, I keeo a Journal, and because I consider my thoughts, ideas and goals to be very special, then the journal has to be special as well. So I bought a nice note book, a big one with plenty of pages and plenty of room to write down lots of ideas and lots of notes.
I have got into the habit of putting ideas straight into the note part of my phone and then, transferring them to my Journal when I am finished doing everything else. I take my time, make myself a hot drink and then settle down to writing.... I thought about writing it digitally on my PC, but its not the same as hand writing it into a really nice book with good quality paper. I even have a special pen.
You can journal all sorts of things. However if you are writing about your day and you want to have moan about someone- dont leave it lying around for any one else to read. Things can get lost in translation or misunderstood.
I do try to be consistant and write in every day, and when I have written in it, I feel a sense of achievement, that I have done something good that is just for me and my eyes and no one else.
There are journals for all types of things. If you want to lose weight, you can have a Lose Weight Journal or if you want to have a healthier diet, you can journal your ideas for recipes and diffenent foods.
I love setting goals and targets - so I journal about that.. often my journals have rows of figures added up ( not always correctly!! )
I sometimes watch Youtube for inspiration, but usually my journals are full of what I want them to be, and that is great ideas that suddenly thought of.
So give a go and see what you think
Many thanks